
gesturedevelop specializes in developing applications for mobile devices.


- New : creates a new blank project (fxptxml)
- Open : open a file fxptxml
- Save as : save the file (fxptxml)
- Import : import a file fxptp (fxptxml + image + video)
- Export : export a file to fxptp (fxptxml + image + video
- Paste : paste a view (slide) on top of the project, or VGroup, HGroup, TextArea, Image, Video
- Test view : to test the view
- Presentation : launch the presentation
- Orientation : Setting the screen orientation : auto, portrait or landscape
- Launch at startup : to start the presentation at application startup
- link : a link to or Google Play
- Help : Help online
- Close : close the current tab
- Close all : close all tabs

- View : a slide in the presentation
- VGroup : vertical group, lays out other components in a single horizontal row
- HGroup : horizontal group, Lays out other components in a single vertical column
- TextArea : text field
- Image : image
- Video : video (flv or mp4(H.264))


Different states of a slide (view) : click to reveal next state
- Add : create a new state
- Delete the last : delete the last state
- Transition : apply a transition to the selected state


Transition to apply to the state
- None : No transition
- Moving from right to left : the component moves from right to left
- Moving from left to right : the component moves from left to right
- Fade : the component appears gradually

Long Press

- Copy : Copy a view (slide) on top of the project, or VGroup, HGroup, TextArea, Image, Video
- Change the position : to change a component position
- Delete : Delete a component
- Properties : component properties : size, state, url, color...


- Click : click to reveal next state of the view (slide)
- Slide : Slide your finger or mouse from left to right (forward) or from left to right (back) to change presentation view (slide)
- ActionBar : slide your finger or mouse on the top of the screen from up to down to show the ActionBar or from down to up to hide the ActionBar (inside : button "return to the editor" )

- Gap : the vertical (for HGroup) or horizontal (for VGroup) space between components, in pixels

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